On behalf of our members, the OSWCA will champion the sewer and watermain industry to promote the delivery of clean water and safe wastewater management through advocacy, education, and environmentally sustainable practices to enhance the quality of life for all Ontarians. We will foster health and safety, professionalism, ethical practices, sound infrastructure investments, good governance, and fiscal responsibility.



To be Ontario’s champion of sustainable clean water and safe sewage infrastructure.



The OSWCA is a champion of environmental protection and best practices in safety and water system management. We have represented the sewer and watermain construction industry in Ontario since 1971. We represent over 750 companies across Ontario including contractors, manufacturers, distributors, and consulting engineers. The OSWCA membership is structured by ten local associations, two pipe producers, and one independent association. Collectively, we perform over $1 billion a year in capital projects to ensure clean safe drinking water and environmentally responsible wastewater treatment and disposal.


Members of the Ontario Sewer & Watermain Construction Association



  • Addressing issues with a unified voice.

  • Developing Ontario’s clean water and wastewaster systems.

  • Ensuring a plentiful supply of clean drinking water.

  • Preserving our lakes and rivers.

  • Partnering with all levels of government, the private sector, and consumers.

  • Making clean water and environmentally responsible wastewater systems a top priority.



  • One-Call Legislation for mandatory, accurate and timely locates.

  • Expediting the process for the Ontario government’s Permit to Take Water Program.

  • Standardization and transparency of contract and tender documentation and bidding practices.

  • Pay assurance for contractors working in the public sector.

  • Launched best practices for excess fill and will continue to work with the Ontario government on this initiative.

  • Ensured that the provincial 10-year plan addresses the need for the municipal sector to institute comprehensive system audits and maintenance programs directed at increasing efficiencies.



  • Understanding the true full cost of water and wastewater systems with a focus on sustainability plans.

  • Comprehensive system audits to determine the condition of underground infrastructure, life cycles and replacement costs.

  • Over time, full-cost pricing in order to sustain water and wastewater systems.

  • Metering water services to encourage water conservation and long-term sustainability of water systems and resources.

  • Maintenance programs to reduce leakage rates and increase system efficiencies.

  • Dedicated financial reserves to upgrade and maintain healthy systems.

  • Adequate government financial resources that are dedicated over the long term to ensure sustainable systems.

  • The elimination of cross connection of sanitary and storm sewers, contributing to keeping Ontario’s lakes and rivers clean.


Our Commitment

OSWCA is committed to developing Ontario's clean water and wastewater systems, ensuring a plentiful supply of clean drinking water and preserving our lakes and rivers. Making clean water & environmentally responsible wastewater systems is a top priority.


Because Clean Water is Everybody's Business.