

This October marks the halfway point in the four-year statutory legislative term under the Election Act. It is an ideal...
Published on: 30/10/2013

This October marks the halfway point in the four-year statutory legislative term under the Election Act. It is an ideal time to take stock of what the government and MPPs in the legislature have achieved related to the priorities of municipal governments. Attached is the Report that AMO issued today to all MPPs on the status of the Association's "Provincial Election Check List: AMO's Top 12 Asks". The Asks reflect the practical, pragmatic priorities of municipal governments which require action from the province – legislative and programmatic.

The Report sets out how each party responded to our 12 Asks during the 2011 election and the progress since then at Queen's Park. Several items have been met and where this is the case, AMO applauds the work of the government and the opposition parties to make it happen. However, in too many cases there is more work to be done by the legislature and the government to deliver on these priorities. For matters before the House, we have called on the House Leaders to find a way to give them priority. For matters within ministries where the government agreed to our Ask, we have reminded the affected Ministries to move forward quickly.

AMO's core message is – we are committed to working with the government and MPPs to deliver the improvements embedded in our 12 Asks, which permit municipal governments to serve their communities better.

What can AMO's members do? Review the attached progress Report on the Top 12 Asks and to discuss the importance of finishing this work with your local MPPs and with members of your community.

These are not the only policy and program issues we are working on. Matters such as sustainable policing, new Waste Reduction Act, property assessment matters, energy policy reviews, model for social services integration, housing strategy and infrastructure funding including negotiations of permanent Canada Gas Tax agreement, are just a few of the other activities of the Association.

For more information on these matters, refer to AMO's website.

Download amo_policyprogressreport2013_final.pdf

