

After much delay, the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has outlined its upcoming regulation and regulatory amendments...
Published on: 05/12/2016

After much delay, the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has outlined its upcoming regulation and regulatory amendments governing Road Building Machines (RBM), including what equipment is set for reclassification as a Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV). The changes are set to take effect on July 1, 2017.

The new rules governing RBMs require a new regulation and amendments to several existing regulations, all of which are outlined in the attached notification from MTO.

Important Details Provided:

Reclassified RBMs will require vehicle insurance and registration by July 1, 2017.

A 12-month "soft-enforcement" period will begin on July 1. This does not, however, mean operators are absolved from complying with the new rules. Those displaying a "pattern of non-compliance" may be charged,

All operators and drivers of former RBMs will be eligible for a temporary exemption from the Hours of Service regulation via a special exemption permit issues by the MTO for a period of up to 5 years.

• Reclassified equipment will include:
o All equipment built on truck chassis;

o All vehicles that comply or are intended to comply with federal safety manufacturing standards for highway vehicles, or comparable standards from another jurisdiction;

o Mobile Cranes / Excavators not built on truck chassis, but not Mobile Cranes / Excavators, capable of travelling at speeds greater than 60 km/h; and,

o Street Sweepers not built on truck chassis, but not low speed street sweepers, capable of travelling at speeds greater than 60 km/h.

• Permits for oversize/overweight hydrovacs, sewer cleaners, and street sweepers are available (with conditions) for those manufactured before January 1, 2017. Permits will be valid for a minimum of 3 years to a maximum of 15 years.

All remaining RBMs will be designated as slow moving vehicles and will be required to operate at speeds of 40 km/h or less and display a slow-moving vehicle sign while operating on a highway.

If you own equipment that will be affected by these changes, we encourage you to consult the attached notification for full details on the upcoming changes.

Any questions about the changes may be directed to the MTO Carrier Safety Policy Office:

Andrew Chase                                            Susan Dolenec
Manager                                                     Team Lead              
905-704-2434                                             905-704-2763

MTO RBM Industry Communication

